Since flash may or may not end in 2020, is it work archiving all madness games also? even if they become unplayable in the future? may leave them for download too incase a flah solution is made.
anyway, we are about 400 movies into our madness day list, @BizWuzzZuzz is a monster on swivel. anyway, that reaches half way through 2010, should hopefully be watchable around madness day. dont quote me on that, but to those who uploaded madness day animations in mp4's a swf backup would be great. an .fla is even better if its exporting a swf with raw audio. anyhoo, back to swivel.
After you get this site up and running with movies
Seancglover (Updated )
after we get through our current list, which we are 400/670 of the way through we will make a spreadsheet and google doc, for people to add more animations we may have missed, as well as see what movies we currently have.
Its difficult for me to single headedly know all animations ever made and have been going off of madness day events and well known movies.